Chakra Energy: Your Key to a More Self-Aware Life
As we go through life, being pushed and pulled in many directions, we may start to wonder how to recognize who we truly are. It's often difficult to see the person we're meant to be, especially when others are constantly influencing our thoughts and beliefs. We can become so fixated on what society tells us, that it becomes hard for us to see beyond the facade of external influences.
So how do we get back to who we truly are? The chakra system is an elegant roadmap to understanding all the parts that make us whole. It teaches us to trust our inner wisdom and listen to our inner voice. The chakras teachings are a guide to unlocking what you already know.
What are Chakras?
The chakras are a system of energy centers that exist in every living creature on our planet. As humans, we have this energy surrounding us and within us at all times. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language and means “wheel” or “vortex.” The chakras are a map of our physical, mental and spiritual bodies. They are a way for us to understand that we are more than just the physical body. We have an energetic body that exists in this dimension as well as other dimensions beyond our own human experience.
And just like everything else in life, chakras can become imbalanced due to various factors such as stress, lifestyle choices or even generational baggage. It's important to keep your chakras open and flowing in order to live a healthy and harmonious life.
How to Work with the Chakras
The first step to working with your chakras is to become Aware of them. The 7 different chakras are described below. With practice you'll be able to harness the energy of each chakra and to learn what is out of balance, and with deeper practice you'll uncover why. The more you practice, the easier it will be.
The second step is to learn how to Connect with the energy of each chakra. This can be done by visualization, meditation. yoga, Qi gong and Reiki to name a few. You can also use physical objects like crystals and gemstones that help focus your intention and connect to the energy of each chakra.
The third step is to Transform your current situation. This means taking action to change things that aren't working and to make necessary changes in your life. Being aware of what is out of balance is a good start, but without action you won't have lasting results.
What Are the Different Chakras?
There are seven major chakras that run along your spine, from the base of the tailbone all the way up to the crown of your head. These energy centers are aligned with your physical body, emotions, actions, relationships, voice, thoughts and connection to spirit. When working properly, you will feel confident, joyful and in flow. When one or more of your chakras are blocked, you may feel physically exhausted, anxious, lonely and longing for more out of life.
The first chakra is your root chakra, located at the base of your spine. It is associated with the color red. This chakra is your foundation. It is where you find your security, safety and stability. When this chakra is out of balance, you may feel fearful, judgmental or anxious about life in general.
The second chakra is your sacral chakra, which sits above the pubic bone. It is associated with the color orange. This chakra is all about emotions, creativity, and sensuality. When this chakra is out of balance, you may feel overly needy or selfish, or you may lack the ability to connect with your emotions.
The third chakra is your solar plexus chakra, which sits in the center of your stomach. It is associated with the color yellow. This chakra is based on your self-image, self-esteem and self-worth. When this chakra is out of balance, you may feel overly controlling or powerless in your life.
The fourth chakra is your heart chakra, which sits in the center of your chest. It is associated with the color green or pink. This chakra represents love and compassion for yourself and others. When this chakra is out of balance, you may either express your love too strongly or withhold it altogether.
The fifth chakra is your throat chakra, which sits at the base of your throat and is associated with the color light blue. The fifth chakra governs communication and self-expression. It's your ability to speak your truth. When this chakra is out of balance, you may find yourself unable to express your feelings or ideas.
The sixth chakra is your third eye chakra, which sits between and just above your eyebrows and is associated with the color indigo or dark blue. This chakra is all about intuition and mental awareness. When this chakra is out of balance, you may find yourself unable to trust your intuition.
The seventh chakra is your crown chakra and is on top of your head and it's associated with the color purple. This chakra represents the all-knowing higher self, your connection to source, whatever that may be for you. When this chakra is out of balance, you may find yourself unable to connect with your spiritual self and your higher power.
In future blogs we'll dive deeper into each chakra and provide detailed examples of what it feels like to be in and out of balance. We'll also talk about practices that you can try. For now learning what each of the seven chakras are, where they're located in your energetic body and the colors associated with them is a great start.
Ultimately, the chakras are tools that can be applied to any part of your life. They're not a catch-all solution to every problem you're facing. But by taking the time to investigate your seven chakras, you can gain some valuable insight into what's going well, and where you could use some work. Don't be afraid to go deep. You'll learn more about yourself in the process, and that's always a good thing.